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PET antistatic film-film supplier
Today’s world has entered the information age. Electromagnetic waves of various frequencies and wavelengths fill the entire earth’s space. These electromagnetic waves will cause varying degrees of interference to unshielded sensitive electronic components, circuit boards, and communication equipment, causing data distortion, Communication disorder. The static electricity generated by electromagnetic induction and friction will have a destructive effect on various sensitive components, instruments, and certain chemical products, such as high-voltage discharge due to the accumulation of static electricity in the packaging film. Therefore, the development of anti-static PET packaging film is also very important. important. The antistatic film is characterized by adding a certain antistatic agent to the PET film to form a very thin conductive layer on the surface of the film and form a continuous phase to improve the surface conductivity and make the generated charges leak as soon as possible. Generally, the surface specific resistance of the antistatic film is required to be less than or equal to 10 to the 9th to 11th power ohms. It is a company specializing in the production of PET film with multiple functions, such as: transparent PET film, milky white PET film, release PET film, supply of PET motor film, etc. With a wide range of products, affordable prices, and environmental protection, we provide customers with excellent quality and service based on the service tenet of excellence in production, honesty and trustworthiness in distribution, warm and thoughtful service, and the spirit of assisting partners to achieve their own careers. Interested parties welcome to inquire!
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