Entering Longmen for the first time, the way of Polyva丨Polyva Group’s 2024 management trainee training camp is officially launched!
To effectively improve the company's competitiveness, build differentiated advantages, innovate and create new forces, and increase the vitality of the company's high-quality development. In early June 2024, Polyva Group launched the Longteng Plan, selected 14 management trainees from many universities across the country, and organized them to participate in a one-week management trainee program with the theme of "First Entry into Longmen, Polyva's Way" training camp. More
2024-07-18 32770 browse 32770 likes 0 reviews
Entering Longmen for the first time, the way of Polyva丨Polyva Group’s 2024 management trainee training camp is officially launched!
To effectively improve the company's competitiveness, build differentiated advantages, innovate and create new forces, and increase the vitality of the company's high-quality development. In early June 2024, Polyva Group launched the Longteng Plan, selected 14 management trainees from many universities across the country, and organized them to participate in a one-week management trainee program with the theme of "First Entry into Longmen, Polyva's Way" training camp. More
2024-07-18 32770 browse 32770 likes 0 reviews
Root down, push up | The 10th anniversary celebration of Polyva Group has come to a successful conclusion!
Each decade has a milestone significance, and when we have not had time to sigh "the dead like a husband", the afterglow of the accumulated ten years has already rendered the new sunrise. In the past ten years, we have not only seen the accumulation and precipitation of Polyva Group's thick and thin hair, but also seen the unremitting efforts to overcome the wind and fog. Ten years has been an extraordinary journey, and it is also a profound footprint of Polyva's continuous development and innovation. On June 22, all the leaders and employees of Bowei Group gathered together to celebrate the tenth birthday of Polyva Group. More
2024-07-02 32776 browse 32776 likes 0 reviews
Root down, push up | The 10th anniversary celebration of Polyva Group has come to a successful conclusion!
Each decade has a milestone significance, and when we have not had time to sigh "the dead like a husband", the afterglow of the accumulated ten years has already rendered the new sunrise. In the past ten years, we have not only seen the accumulation and precipitation of Polyva Group's thick and thin hair, but also seen the unremitting efforts to overcome the wind and fog. Ten years has been an extraordinary journey, and it is also a profound footprint of Polyva's continuous development and innovation. On June 22, all the leaders and employees of Bowei Group gathered together to celebrate the tenth birthday of Polyva Group. More
2024-07-02 32786 browse 32786 likes 0 reviews
Do you know anything about laundry gel packaging machine?
Filling machines play a crucial role in the manufacturing process of various consumer goods, and the laundry detergent industry is no exception. Specifically designed for efficiency and precision, laundry detergent pod filling machines have become integral in the production of detergent pods. In this article, we will explore the key features, functions, and significance of these machines in the laundry detergent manufacturing process. More
2024-01-20 19331 browse 3430 likes 0 reviews
Do you know anything about laundry gel packaging machine?
Filling machines play a crucial role in the manufacturing process of various consumer goods, and the laundry detergent industry is no exception. Specifically designed for efficiency and precision, laundry detergent pod filling machines have become integral in the production of detergent pods. In this article, we will explore the key features, functions, and significance of these machines in the laundry detergent manufacturing process. More
2024-01-20 19346 browse 3445 likes 0 reviews
How do I dispose of my clothes after "Yang Kang"?
At the end of 2019, the sudden onset of New Coronavirus pneumonia swept through the entire global village, a global catastrophe that has changed people's work, life, diet, food, housing and transportation in all aspects within these three years; and 26 December is a day that is good enough to go down in history. The National Health Commission issued an announcement that New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially renamed as Novel Coronavirus Infection, meaning that three years of full prevention and control of New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially history. More
2023-01-13 9463 browse 4818 likes 0 reviews
How do I dispose of my clothes after "Yang Kang"?
At the end of 2019, the sudden onset of New Coronavirus pneumonia swept through the entire global village, a global catastrophe that has changed people's work, life, diet, food, housing and transportation in all aspects within these three years; and 26 December is a day that is good enough to go down in history. The National Health Commission issued an announcement that New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially renamed as Novel Coronavirus Infection, meaning that three years of full prevention and control of New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially history. More
2023-01-13 9454 browse 4809 likes 0 reviews
How do I dispose of my clothes after "Yang Kang"?
At the end of 2019, the sudden onset of New Coronavirus pneumonia swept through the entire global village, a global catastrophe that has changed people's work, life, diet, food, housing and transportation in all aspects within these three years; and 26 December is a day that is good enough to go down in history. The National Health Commission issued an announcement that New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially renamed as Novel Coronavirus Infection, meaning that three years of full prevention and control of New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially history. More
2023-01-13 9473 browse 4828 likes 0 reviews
Polyva begins to resume work
2021-02-21 32938 browse 32938 likes 0 reviews
Entering Longmen for the first time, the way of Polyva丨Polyva Group’s 2024 management trainee training camp is officially launched!
To effectively improve the company's competitiveness, build differentiated advantages, innovate and create new forces, and increase the vitality of the company's high-quality development. In early June 2024, Polyva Group launched the Longteng Plan, selected 14 management trainees from many universities across the country, and organized them to participate in a one-week management trainee program with the theme of "First Entry into Longmen, Polyva's Way" training camp.
2024-07-18 32770 browse 32770 likes 0 reviews
Entering Longmen for the first time, the way of Polyva丨Polyva Group’s 2024 management trainee training camp is officially launched!
To effectively improve the company's competitiveness, build differentiated advantages, innovate and create new forces, and increase the vitality of the company's high-quality development. In early June 2024, Polyva Group launched the Longteng Plan, selected 14 management trainees from many universities across the country, and organized them to participate in a one-week management trainee program with the theme of "First Entry into Longmen, Polyva's Way" training camp.
2024-07-18 32770 browse 32770 likes 0 reviews
Root down, push up | The 10th anniversary celebration of Polyva Group has come to a successful conclusion!
Each decade has a milestone significance, and when we have not had time to sigh "the dead like a husband", the afterglow of the accumulated ten years has already rendered the new sunrise. In the past ten years, we have not only seen the accumulation and precipitation of Polyva Group's thick and thin hair, but also seen the unremitting efforts to overcome the wind and fog. Ten years has been an extraordinary journey, and it is also a profound footprint of Polyva's continuous development and innovation. On June 22, all the leaders and employees of Bowei Group gathered together to celebrate the tenth birthday of Polyva Group.
2024-07-02 32776 browse 32776 likes 0 reviews
Root down, push up | The 10th anniversary celebration of Polyva Group has come to a successful conclusion!
Each decade has a milestone significance, and when we have not had time to sigh "the dead like a husband", the afterglow of the accumulated ten years has already rendered the new sunrise. In the past ten years, we have not only seen the accumulation and precipitation of Polyva Group's thick and thin hair, but also seen the unremitting efforts to overcome the wind and fog. Ten years has been an extraordinary journey, and it is also a profound footprint of Polyva's continuous development and innovation. On June 22, all the leaders and employees of Bowei Group gathered together to celebrate the tenth birthday of Polyva Group.
2024-07-02 32786 browse 32786 likes 0 reviews
Do you know anything about laundry gel packaging machine?
Filling machines play a crucial role in the manufacturing process of various consumer goods, and the laundry detergent industry is no exception. Specifically designed for efficiency and precision, laundry detergent pod filling machines have become integral in the production of detergent pods. In this article, we will explore the key features, functions, and significance of these machines in the laundry detergent manufacturing process.
2024-01-20 19331 browse 3430 likes 0 reviews
Do you know anything about laundry gel packaging machine?
Filling machines play a crucial role in the manufacturing process of various consumer goods, and the laundry detergent industry is no exception. Specifically designed for efficiency and precision, laundry detergent pod filling machines have become integral in the production of detergent pods. In this article, we will explore the key features, functions, and significance of these machines in the laundry detergent manufacturing process.
2024-01-20 19346 browse 3445 likes 0 reviews
How do I dispose of my clothes after "Yang Kang"?
At the end of 2019, the sudden onset of New Coronavirus pneumonia swept through the entire global village, a global catastrophe that has changed people's work, life, diet, food, housing and transportation in all aspects within these three years; and 26 December is a day that is good enough to go down in history. The National Health Commission issued an announcement that New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially renamed as Novel Coronavirus Infection, meaning that three years of full prevention and control of New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially history.
2023-01-13 9463 browse 4818 likes 0 reviews
How do I dispose of my clothes after "Yang Kang"?
At the end of 2019, the sudden onset of New Coronavirus pneumonia swept through the entire global village, a global catastrophe that has changed people's work, life, diet, food, housing and transportation in all aspects within these three years; and 26 December is a day that is good enough to go down in history. The National Health Commission issued an announcement that New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially renamed as Novel Coronavirus Infection, meaning that three years of full prevention and control of New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially history.
2023-01-13 9454 browse 4809 likes 0 reviews
How do I dispose of my clothes after "Yang Kang"?
At the end of 2019, the sudden onset of New Coronavirus pneumonia swept through the entire global village, a global catastrophe that has changed people's work, life, diet, food, housing and transportation in all aspects within these three years; and 26 December is a day that is good enough to go down in history. The National Health Commission issued an announcement that New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially renamed as Novel Coronavirus Infection, meaning that three years of full prevention and control of New Coronavirus Pneumonia was officially history.
2023-01-13 9473 browse 4828 likes 0 reviews
Polyva begins to resume work
2021-02-21 32938 browse 32938 likes 0 reviews
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